As everyone know I am taking a caricature class at LAAFA. John is an amazing teacher. I highly recommend this class. My drawings are usually too timid and John knows how to push us in the right direction. Hopefully one day I will do something that will satisfy him. Good luck with this, right?
As everyone know I am taking a caricature class at LAAFA. John is an amazing teacher. I highly recommend this class. My drawings are usually too timid and John knows how to push us in the right direction. Hopefully one day I will do something that will satisfy him. Good luck with this, right?
Is that John at the top? I love this one! Greggie is out of town shooting ducks this weekend, but he will love these drawings when he gets back!
It is tragic to see people who confuse caricature with distortion. Perhaps you should check Covarrubias, Gulbransson or Hirschfield, it may help you.
i think it's more tragic for an artist to be so narrow minded.
Thanks John. There are so many directions one can go.I am looking for one.
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